







2013.09 - 2019.01  十大网赌网址信誉官网教育技术系:教育技术学博士

2009.09 - 2013.07  中国农业大学工学院车辆工程系:工学学士



2023.02 -至今  十大网赌网址信誉官网:助理教授、研究员

2019.07 – 2023.01  英国爱丁堡大学信息学院:助理研究员、博士后

2012.06 - 2013.06  共青团北京市委员会、北京市员工联合会:市学联执行主席



2017.09 - 2017.12  美国明尼苏达大学LTmedia实验室:访问学者



2023.02 -至今  英国爱丁堡大学信息学院:兼职研究员

2022.04 -至今  澳大利亚莫那什大学学习分析研究中心:兼职研究员

2022.03 -至今 《Metacognition and Learning》(SSCI, Q1)杂志:专刊编辑

2022.01-2022.09  欧洲技术支持的学习环境年会:Dissemination Chair

2021.09-2022.03  第十二届国际学习分析与知识年会:Publicity Chair




Fan, Y., Rakovic, M., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Singh, S., Moore, J., Monlenaar, I., Bannert, M., & Gasevic, D. Towards a fuller picture: Triangulation and integration of the measurement of self-regulated learning based on trace and think aloud data, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2023,03 (SSCI, Q1)
Fan, Y., Wang, Y., Rakovic, M., Tan, Y., Cai, Z., Shaffer, W. D., & Gasevic, D. Dissecting Learning Tactics in MOOC using Ordered Network Analysis, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2023,02 (SSCI, Q1)
Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Singh, S., Fan, Y., Surendrannair, S., Rakovic, M., Monlenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D., Effects of Real-Time Analytics-Based Personalized Scaffolds on Students’ Self-Regulated Learning, Computers in Human Behavior, 2023, 02 (SSCI, Q1)
Fan, Y., Jovanovic, J., Saint, J., Jiang, Y., Qiong, W., & Gasevic, D. Revealing the regulation of learning strategies of MOOC retakers: A learning analytic study, Computers & Education, 2022, 04 (SSCI, Q1)
Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Kilgour, J., Bannert, M., Monlenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D., Towards investigating the validity of measurement of self-regulated learning based on trace data, Metacognition and learning, 2022,04 (SSCI, Q1)
Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Kilgour, J., Bannert, M., Monlenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D., Improving the measurement of self-regulated learning using multi-channel data, Metacognition and learning, 2022,06 (SSCI, Q1)
van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Bannert, M., Monlenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D., How self-regulated learning affects different learning measures, Metacognition and learning (SSCI, Q1)
Rakovic, M., Iqbal, S., Li, T., Fan, Y., Singh, S., Surendrannair, S., Kilgour, J., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. Harnessing the potential of trace data and linguistic analysis to predict learner performance in a multi-source writing task, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2022,12 (SSCI, Q1)
Saint, J., Fan, Y., Gasevic, D & Pardo, A. A Systematic Review of Temporally Focused Self-Regulated Learning, Computer & Education: Artificial intelligence, 2022,04
Lim, L., Bannert, M., van der Graaf, J., Molenaar, I., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Moore, J., and Gasevic, D., Temporal Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning by Mining Students’ Think-Aloud Protocols. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021 (SSCI, Q2)
Fan, Y., Matcha, W., Ahmad Uzir, N., Wang, Q., & Gasevic, D. Learning analytics to reveal links between learning design and self-regulated learning, The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2021, 02 (ESCI)
Chen, B., Fan, Y., Zhang, G., Liu, M., & Wang, Q. Teachers’ networked professional learning with MOOCs. PloS ONE, 2020, 15(7), e0235170. (SCI, Q1)



Iqbal, S., Rakovic, M., Chen, G., Li, T., Mello, R., Fan, Y., Fiorentino, G., Aljohani, N., and Gasevic, D., Effects of Internal and External Conditions on Strategies of Self-regulated Learning: A Learning Analytics Study, The Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2023,03
Srivastava, N., Fan, Y., Rakovic, M., Singh, S., Jovanovic, J., van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Surendrannair, S., Kilgour, J., Molenaar, I., Bannert, M., Moore, J., and Gasevic, D., Effects of Internal and External Conditions on Strategies of Self-regulated Learning: A Learning Analytics Study, The Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2022,03 (co-first author)
Rakovic, M., Fan, Y., van der Graaf, J., Singh, S., Kilgour, J., Lim, L., Moore, J., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., and Gasevic, D., Using Learner Trace Data to Understand Metacognitive Processes in Writing from Multiple Sources, The Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2022,03
Wei, D., Tasi, Y., Fan, Y., Gasevic, D & Chen, G. Measuring Inconsistency in Written Feedback: A Case Study in Politeness. The Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2022,07
Fan, Y., Saint, J., Singh, S., Jovanovic, J., & Gasevic, D. A learning analytic approach to unveiling self-regulatory processes in learning tactics, The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2021,03
Saint, J., Fan, Y., Singh, S., Gasevic, D., & Pardo, A. Using process mining to analyse self-regulated learning: a systematic analysis of four algorithms, The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2021,03
van der Graaf, J., Lim, L., Fan, Y., Kilgour, J., Bannert, M., Moore, J., Gasevic, D., & Molenaar, I. Do Instrumentation Tools Capture Self-Regulated Learning? The Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2021,03
Fan, Y., Lim, L., van der Graaf, J., Kilgour, J., Engelmann, K., Bannert, M., Molenaar, I., Moore, J., & Gasevic, D. Measuring Micro-Level Self-Regulated Learning Processes with Enhanced Log Data and Eye Tracking Data, Companion Proceedings 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 2020,03
Chen, B., Fan, Y., Zhang, G., & Wang, Q. Examining motivations and self-regulated learning strategies of returning MOOCs learners. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference, 2017,03



汪滢,吴佳微,汪琼,范逸洲. MOOC对教师转化学习的影响 ——转化学习理论视角下的教师MOOC学习质性研究[J]. 现代教育技术,2022,06. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 汪琼. 有效学习视角下的学习行为辨识技术[J]. 中国远程教育,2021(1): 1-7. (CSSCI)
詹泽慧, 邵芳芳, 范逸洲, 何国庆, 姚佳静, 汪琼. MOOC 与教师专业化发展:积极老龄化的大数据发现[J]. 中国远程教育,2020(6): 40-51. (CSSCI)
汪琼,欧阳嘉煜, 范逸洲. MOOC 同伴作业互评中反思意识与学习成效的关系研究[J].电化教育研究,2019(06): 58-67. (CSSCI)
乐惠骁, 范逸洲, 贾积有, 汪琼. 优秀的慕课学习者如何学习——慕课学习行为模式挖掘[J].中国电化教育,2019(02): 72-79. (CSSCI)
曾宁, 张宝辉, 范逸洲. 如何分析慕课论坛中的数据: 六大分析方法述评[J]. 现代远距离教育, 2019(06): 87-96. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 冯菲, 刘玉, 汪琼. 评价量规设计对MOOC同伴互评有效性的影响研究[J].电化教育研究,2018(11): 45-51. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 张国罡, 陈伯栋,等. 他们为什么回来?——MOOCs中重复注册者的行为与动机分析[J]. 开放教育研究, 2018(2): 89-96. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 汪琼. 学业成就与学业风险的预测——基于学习分析领域中预测指标的文献综述[J]. 中国远程教育,2018(1): 5-15. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 刘敏, 欧阳嘉煜, 汪琼. MOOCs中学员流失问题的预测分析——基于24篇中英文文献的综述[J]. 中国远程教育,2018(4): 5-14. (CSSCI)
王梦倩, 范逸洲, 郭文革, 汪琼. MOOC学习者特征聚类分析研究综述[J]. 中国远程教育,2018(7): 9-19(CSSCI)
欧阳嘉煜, 范逸洲, 罗淑芳, 纪九梅,汪琼. 学习分析中识别行为模式的重要方法:特征工程[J]. 现代教育技术,2018(4): 13-19. (CSSCI)
王宇,罗淑芳,范逸洲, 汪琼. 2017慕课全球发展回顾[J]. 中国远程教育,2018(9): 53-61. (CSSCI)
范逸洲, 王宇, 冯菲, 汪琼,李晓明. MOOCs课程学习与评价调查[J]. 开放教育研究, 2014(3):27-35. (CSSCI)
冯菲, 范逸洲. 高校研究生助教工作职责及培训需求的现状调查——以世界十大正规网赌为例[J]. 学位与研究生教育, 2014(8): 32-38. (CSSCI)



Wang, Q., Chen, B., Fan, Y., & Zhang, G. MOOCs as an alternative for teacher professional development: Examining learner persistence in one Chinese MOOC. Beijing, China: Peking University, 2018.
Chen, B., Fan, Y. Learning analytics: Perspectives from Mainland China. Learning at scale for the global south. Digital Learning for Development, 2018, 36-43.
Zong, S., Jiang, J., Fan, Y. Teachers as researchers: Current trends and hot topics[M]. In Niemi, H., & Jia, J. (n.d. ). New Ways to Teach and Learn in China and Finland. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang D. 2016, 229-253



2022年7月 北京师范大学(珠海)《Practical Learning Analytics For Teachers》

2015年至今 中国科学院大学 《英文学术写作》(基础和进阶)

2020年至今 世界十大正规网赌《英文学术写作实战》(慕课)

2021年至今 世界十大正规网赌《同伴教学法》(慕课)


2016年至今 世界十大正规网赌《教你如何做MOOC》(慕课)

2015年至今 世界十大正规网赌《翻转课堂教学法》(慕课)



国际合作项目:2019-2023 《Facilitating Self-Regulated Learning with Personalized Scaffolds on Student’s own Regulation Activities》 Open Research Area (ORA) 项目资助(德国BA20144/10-1,荷兰NWO464.18.104,英国ES/S015701/1),主要项目成员
国际合作项目:2016-2018《MOOC As An Alternative For Teacher Professional Development》FIT-ED基金会(加拿大IDRC基金和英国DFID基金会联合成立)DL4D项目(NO.2016-0002),主要项目成员



2019年 第三届全国“教育实证研究优秀学位论文奖”

2019年 十大网赌网址信誉官网博士研究生优秀毕业论文奖

2017、2019年 教育部“国家精品在线开放课程”

2014年 研究生国家奖学金

2013年 北京市优秀员工干部
