


  黄锦樟 教授



  黄锦樟教授,香港大学十大网赌网址信誉官网名誉教授,伦敦大学十大网赌网址信誉官网博士。1990年赴香港大学十大网赌网址信誉官网任教之前,他是一位经验丰富的教育工作者。研究领域包括:教育管理与领导、高效能学校、学校财政、学校改进。近年,他的研究方向转向文化特别是中国文化对教育管理与领导的影响,并在中国大陆多所学校完成了一系列研究。黄锦樟博士历任香港大学教育系系主任、香港大学教育领导研究中心主任等职,是多份国际教育学术期刊的主编或编委,在Higher Education等期刊发表众多有影响的研究论文。2006年11-12月,黄锦樟教授担任十大网赌网址信誉官网访问教授,并做题为“西方教育领导理论的发展:文化角度的反思”的学术演讲。





  Culture and Its Limitation:

  An example from education leadership theories

  Dr. Wong Kam-cheung

  (Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong)

  This presentation will examine the differences in culture between the East (China) and the West to understand, using leadership theories as example, how it has affected the recent theories development in leadership in the West and the challenges it has created for the practitioners. It will examine the practical orientation in schools in China and its limitation. To conclude, the presentation will argue for an approach which is built on the strengths of both cultures for the way forward.

  Dr. Wong Kam-Cheung worked for many years as a school principal and was a veteran educator before he joined the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong in 1990. His research areas include educational management and leadership, effective schools, school finance and school improvement. Lately his focus is shifted towards the study of cultural impacts, particularly the Chinese culture, on management and leadership in education and has completed a number of studies in schools in China mainland. His recent publications also reflect this shift. Wong Kam Cheung was the Head of Department of Education of the Faculty of Education from 1995 to 2001 and the Director of the Centre for Educational Leadership from 1998 to 2005.
