

我是教育论坛:Factions in Flux: The Case of the Red Guard Movement in Guangzhou, 1966-1968






  主讲人:严飞 博士

  主持人:阎凤桥  教授


  讲座摘要:Students of social movements and collective action have long been focusing on the structural sources of social mobilization.This model presumes that mass actors in structurally similar positions would make similar political choices with fixed interests and consistent identities that lead them into well-defined political alliance. However, at times of radical instability political ambiguity and contingency are likely to upset static models of mobilization. Based on the analyses of popular rebellion and factional contention in Guangzhou in 1966-1968 with the more abundant sources available today, I identify two key mechanisms—contextual ambiguity and adaptive choice—to mediate political alignment in moments of radical change. I argue that the choices of mass actors are highly circumscribed by their entrenched local political context. When confronting with a rapidly changing and ambiguous political situation, mass actors in structurally similar positions would make varied political choices with fluid interests and flowing identities. During this dynamic process, new political identities are generated and new political interests are continually redefined that they sustain quite violent conflicts with greater scales of influence.


  演讲人简介:严飞,江苏南京人,在牛津大学、斯坦福大学接受社会学训练,斯坦福大学亚太研究中心/社会学系博士后,研究兴趣集中在历史社会学、政治社会学、政治文化,论文相继发表在Modern China, Social Movement Studies, The China Review, 二十一世纪等中英文学术杂志,并曾获得亚洲研究协会(Association for Asian Studies)2015年度研究生最佳学术论文奖


